Czech Centre for Human Rights and Democracy

The Centre is an independent academic institution monitoring human rights developments both domestically and worldwide, issuing a monthly Bulletin, as well as organizing conferences.

11. 7. 2024   Klára Popelková

Since 7 October 2023, the Gaza Strip has been involved in an intense armed conflict between Israel and Hamas, sparking numerous legal debates. Two international courts, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, have both intervened, addressing various aspects of the conflict.

2. 7. 2024   Jan Nevlída

In May 2024, the European Commission completed its analysis of Poland's state of the rule of law. As a result, Poland is no longer at risk of severe breaches of the rule of law. Poland has been facing proceedings over the rule of law since 2017 due to certain actions of the previous Polish government.

16. 6. 2024   Klára Popelková

The verdict of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court, issued on  1 March 2024, marks a significant milestone in the ongoing investigation concerning the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The Appeals Chamber unanimously rejected Venezuela's appeal against the decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber from 2023 and affirmed the authorization to resume the investigation despite previous attempts to halt it.

26. 5. 2024   Karin Lišková

In recent years, the Kyrgyz authorities have continuously suppressed independent media in an attempt to crack down on investigative journalism and consolidate the power of the government. As of 16 January 2024, eleven current and former employees of the respected investigative media outlet, Temirov Live, have been arrested on dubious charges.

6. 4. 2024   Jakub Dubják

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the First Amendment of the Constitution, protecting the freedom of speech, prohibits the state of Colorado from forcing a wedding website designer to create designs depicting same-sex marriages and conveying messages with which she disagrees. What was the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the application of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation?

28. 3. 2024   Kristin Høgdahl & Roman Zapletal*

The Czech Republic, together with Malta and Italy, are the only countries within the EU where a national institution with a broad mandate to protect and promote human rights, the so-called National Human Rights Institution, NHRI, has not yet been established and accredited. Czechia has long faced criticism for this shortcoming, both internationally from the UN, the Council of Europe and the EU and, in recent years, increasingly from representatives of domestic civil society.

9. 3. 2024   Radek Tesař

The Constitutional Court of South Korea had a very controversial case presented before it. The South Korea’s “guardian of constitution” had to decide whether or not a provision criminalizing sexual acts between two male soldiers,, known as “sodomy law”, is in compatibility with the Constitution. Despite the controversy associated with discrimination and inequality, the court ruled that this provision is in compliance with the Constitution.