Organizations are listed in alphabetical order within each category.
Governmental Institutions (GOs)
Government Board for People with Disabilities - governmental advisory body focusing on issues of people with disabilities
Government Council for Human Rights - governmental advisory body, monitors implementation of international HR commitments and the fulfillment of HR standards in the Czech Republic
Government Council for National Minorities - governmental advisory body, ensures the respect for rights of minorities, brings together representatives of 12 minorities in the Czech Republic (Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, German, Polish, Roma, Ruthenian, Russian, Greek, Slovakian, Serbian and Ukrainian)
Government Council for Non-Governmental Organisations - governmental advisory body, creates and presents materials focusing on non-governmental non-profit organizations and on the process of creating a suitable environment for their functioning
Inter-ministerial Commission for Roma Community Affairs - governmental advisory body, creates and presents materials and proposals for development and implementation of governmental policy relating to Roma people
Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsman) - addresses complaints relating to state authorities and makes recommendations, focuses on protection of detainees, discrimination and on monitoring of expelled aliens
Representations of International Organizations in the Czech Republic (IGOs)
International Organization for Migration - helps with voluntary returns, focuses on providing information and education in the field of migration and integration and on the prevention of human trafficking
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) [cs] - promotes UNICEF activities, collects contributions from donors based in the Czech Republic
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [cs] - supports proper functioning of the asylum system, cooperates with Czech non-governmental organizations in the area of integration of asylees and foreigners with additional protection
Academic Centers
Czech Center for Human Rights and Democracy - issues monthly bulletin with HR news from the Czech Republic as well as from around the world, conducts independent research in the field of HR, organizes professional debates
UNCE - Research Centre for Human Rights [cs] - organizes academic seminars, focuses on research in the field of theory of human rights, issues monthly bulletin
Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)
note: (i) -> organization is a part of an international group (INGO)
Dealing with human rights comprehensively
Amnesty International [cs] (i) - organizes campaigns, particularly in support of prisoners of conscience, is engaged in education in the field of HR, reports on the status of HR in the Czech Republic
Counseling Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights [cs]- offers legal assistance (especially in the field of racial discrimination and integration of foreigners), comments on legislation, offers social assistance to vulnerable families
Czech Helsinki Committee - focuses on lobbying, monitoring of the functioning of police etc., solving concrete cases and informing and educating in the field of HR
DEMAS - brings together 11 non-governmental organizations focusing on supporting democratization, human rights and civil society in the Czech Republic as well as abroad
Iuridicum Remedium - offers legal assistance to socially disadvantaged people, draws attention to violation of the rights to privacy (especially in relation to technology and government)
League of Human Rights - focuses on children's rights, the health care system, judiciary and police, defends victims of HR violation in strategic cases, promotes systemic changes
NESEHNUTÍ - informs and educates in the field of multicultural society, defends equality of men and women, runs eco-assistance service, supports civic initiatives in the Czech Republic as well as in Caucasus and Transnistria
People in Need - supports oposition activists and dissidents in countries such as Cuba, Burma, Belarus, Moldova / Transnistria, Ukraine and China
Specializing in civil rights
Association of Civic Counseling Centres [cs] - brings together 40 civic counseling centres providing professional social and/or legal assistance, realizes other projects
Civil Society Development Foundation - supports civic organizations by bringing them together, financing them and making them more professional through constant education
Environmental Law Service - proposes and promotes legislation ensuring the impossibility of connecting politics with business, handles cases of damaging nature and endangering health, offers legal assistance especially in the field of civil rights, supports civic initiatives
Specializing in women's rights, supporting equal opportunities
Czech Women's Lobby - brings together 21 Czech non-governmental organizations, is a part of the European Women's Lobby, focuses on ensuring media coverage of gender issues and on lobbying
European Contact Group - promotes equal opportunities, provides education for providers of social assistance services and their clients
Forum 50 % - aims at equal representation of women and men in politics, organizes seminars and campaigns, focuses on lobbying
The Open Society, p.b.c - promotes equal opportunities for men and women, improving the situation of the Roma people, promotes the right to information and the concept of the police work as a public service
proFem - offers legal assistance to victims of domestic violence, focuses on lobbying
Specializing in children's rights
Children Crisis Centre [cs] - focuses on battered, abused and neglected children, runs a helpline, provides legal assistance
Czech Section of Defence for Children International (i) - expands awareness of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, organizes seminars, gives input into implementation of individual provisions
Our Child Foundation - focuses on educational projects in the area of children's rights, offers grants, deals with requests for assistance, cooperates with children's homes
Specializing in rights of minorities
IQ Roma servis - provides social and legal assistance, educational services and leisure time activities to people endangered by social exclusion, especially to Roma people
In Iustitia - offers legal assistance to people exposed to hate crimes, focuses on protection of communities endangered by violent racism or neo-Nazism (especially through lobbying, field work)
Specializing in rights or migrants and refugees
Association of Citizens Assisting to Migrants - offers legal and social assistance to foreigners and asylum seekers relating to their inclusion and integration into the society (e.g. through providing language courses or leisure time activities)
Association for Integration and Migration - offers legal and social assistance to foreigners, proposes systemic changes (especially in legislation), expands awareness of foreigners in the Czech Republic with the purpose of preventing xenophobia and racism
Association for Legal Issues of Migration - offers legal assistance to foreigners detained for the purposes of expulsion, runs online counseling service, defends foreigners in strategic cases
Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations in the Czech Republic - brings together 11 organizations focusing on the same issues, ensures sharing of information among organizations, ensures media coverage of individual cases, comments on legislation
Counselling Centre for Integration - offers social and legal assistance to foreigners living in the Czech Republic, provides tutoring for children and Czech language courses
Most pro lidská práva - runs a counseling centre for foreigners, organizes language courses, informs and educates aiming at supporting a multicultural society
Multicultural Center Prague - realizes many projects focusing on multicultural issues, supports intercultural literacy of individuals and institutions
Organization for Aid to Refugees - offers legal and social assistance to foreigners and asylum seekers, cooperates on projects abroad
Slovo 21 - realizes cultural and educational projects in the area of integration of foreigners living in the Czech Republic and Roma projects
Specializing in issues relating to human trafficking
La Strada (i) - runs SOS and INFO line, searches for vulnerable people in the field, offers accommodation and other material assistance, provides legal and social assistance, focuses on lobbying
Specializing in protecting the environment
- Greenpeace [cs] (i) - organizes campaigns aiming at protecting the environment
- Friends of the Earth Czech Republic [cs] - promotes legislation changes and other ecological provisions, monitors and comments on ecological issues
- Veronica - offers environmental counseling services, realizes model ecological projects, finds civic associations and supports their functioning
Have we forgotten any human rights organization? Would you like your organization to become our partner? Contact us.
Links to non-profit organizations focusing on other issues can be found here [cs].