Za téměř deset let fungování si Centrum vybudovalo síť odborníků, kteří s Centrem v minulosti aktivně spolupracovali. Přestože se současné době primárně věnují jiným činnostem, s Centrem je pojí pracovní minulost i přátelské vztahy. Na nepravidelné bázi k činnosti Centra přispívají.

Dr. Hrdličková is a president of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon based in The Hague. She focuses on islamic law and human rights. She was an expert on the Council of Europe in the so called Moneyval, which deals with the prevention and monitoring of money laundering and the funding of terrorism.

He is a former member of the Center and the head of the analytical department of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. He used to work as the head of secretariat and registrar of the Government Council for Human Rights and as a lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights and Council of Europe.

He studied law and International Relations at Masaryk University in Brno and also studied international law as a Fulbright Scholar at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He works in the field of advocacy. He is the author of “monograph Transatlantic relations in the time of crisis” (original: “Transatlantické vztahy v době krize”, MUNI Press 2009) as well as texts about the issues of international law and human rights.

Kateřina graduated from the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University and has been focusing on international law, criminal law and human rights. Currently she is an assistant to a judge for criminal cases in Prague. She is also active as a legal consultant for a Czech NGO, helping victims of criminal acts.

Tereza studied at the Law Faculty of Charles University. She used to work at the Organisation for helping refugees but currently is working as a legal trainee and is interested in the protection of human rights, the rights of asylum and the rights of foreigners.

Kateřina is an expert assistant at the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University in the Department of international and European law. She has many academic and work related experiences from abroad. She also teaches many subjects related to international public law.

Zuzana studied law at the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno and also a LL.M. programme at the KU Leuven university in Belgium. She currently works at the office of Public Defender of Rights and deals with international relations of the institution and constitutional and human rights aspects of the job at the office.

He studied law at Masaryk University where he continues with his doctorate in constitutional law. He is working at the Institute for the questions of jurisprudence at the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University and as an assistant to a judge at the Supreme administrative court.

Kristýna is a second year master’s student at the Faculty of Law in Olomouc. She is interested in the freedom of speech and how human rights can affect other areas of law; for example family law or medicine law.

Barbora studied at the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University. Currently she is working as a lawyer at the office of Public Defender of Rights where she deals with the rights of disabled persons. She is also interested in foreign politics.

Lenka graduated from the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University and is continuing PhD studies at the Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science. At the same time she works as an assistant to the judge of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, mainly dealing with the liability of state for damage.

She studied law and the Russian language at Masaryk University in Brno. Irena worked as a legal trainee. She is interested in human rights - especially freedom of speech, Russia and literature.

Martina studied law at Masaryk University where she now continues with her doctorate in constitutional law. She is interested in the rights of children and the approach towards parenthood. She worked as an assistant to a judge at the Supreme court and currently works as a lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights.

Michal is a second year master’s student at the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University He is interested in the system of protecting human rights in Europe.

Kamila studies PhD at the Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science at the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University. She works as an assistant to a judge at the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic. She focuses on trolling and the topic of religious symbols in public spaces.

She studied law at Masaryk University and the University of Oxford. She was a young delegate of Slovakia to the UN. She worked with advocates at the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) in The Hague and at the division of European affairs of Ministry of Industry and Trade. Now she is an advocate at CMS and the president of Oxbridge Alumni Society.

He is an expert assistant at the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University. He is interested in constitutional law and human rights. He works part-time as an assistant to a judge at the Constitutional court. He regularly publishes papers regarding constitutional judiciary.

She received a doctorate at the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University and a MSt degree in Oxford. She is interested in the democratization of the states in Eastern and Southern Europe. She worked as the head of the foreign department of the Supreme court and currently is working at the Institute for the questions of jurisprudence at the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University.

She used to work in the field of advocacy, in nonprofit organisations and at the European Court of Human Rights. She is a member of advisory committees for fundamental rights and for the rights of children at the Government council.

Nikola holds Master’s degrees in International Relations and Law from Charles University. As a George Spyrou scholar, she completed her LLM studies in public international law at Cambridge University. She is a PhD student at the Charles University Faculty of Law and a judicial clerk at the High Court in Prague.

Zuzana studied law at the Charles University and spent a year at the University of Strasbourg. She works as a lawyer at the Office for Personal Data Protection. She also worked at the Court of Justice of the EU at the Czech Legal-Translation Unit in Luxembourg. She focuses on european law (especially data protection) and ICT law.

Helena graduated from the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University and LLM in Luxembourg. She worked as an assistant to a judge at the Supreme court and  is currently a judge’s assistant at the Supreme administrative court.

Helena graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University. In the past, she worked as a lawyer at the Organization for Aid to Refugees, as an intern at the UN and subsequently as a pro bono legal consultant in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Currently, she works as an assistant to the judge in the criminal law division of the Municipal Court in Prague.